Kashmir, the heaven on earth has been burning for more than seven decades, without being noticed by those who make the international decisions. After Pakistan came into existence, Indian armed forces, forcefully entered Pakistan’s borders and occupied Kashmir. At that instance, both the countries went at it on each other but after a resolution by the UN, Pakistan had withdrawn their forces.
Sadly, the resolution of the UN was not acted upon and the Kashmiris are being forced, mugged, brutalized, martyred, raped, and ignored for more than 7 decades.
Geographical Situation of Kashmir
When we look at the Kashmir map, we will find out that it is located between Pakistan, India, and China. The total area of the valley is 224,739 sq km. and it is covered by the Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges. The valley has a moderate climate due to its location between the mountain ranges. However, it is comparatively colder than neighboring areas in the winters.
History of Kashmir
The Indian sub-continent and its history date back to the early days of human civilization. When we trace the roots of human history in Kashmir, we will find its root way back in 3000 BCE.
In modern history, Kashmir became an important part of sub-continent history in the 8th and 9th Centuries. Both Hinduism and Buddhism grew in the area in these centuries. While the current populated religion, Islam has been the focus of attention of Kashmiri citizens since the 13th Century.
After the Muslim population became the majority in the valley, Muslims rules the area for more than 5 centuries after being rules by Sikhs and then the Britishers.
Kashmir Conflict
After the British rulers decided to wrap things up and go back to their country, partition was decided for the Indian sub-continent. All the parties agreed that Pakistan will consist of the Muslim populated areas of the Indian Sub-continent, while India will have the rest of the areas of the sub-continent.
However, Lord Mountbatten and then Indian rulers conspired against Pakistan and forcefully captured, now called, occupied Kashmir. Pakistan and Indian engaged in their first of three wars for the area. But, in the year 1949, the UN passed a resolution to decide the fate of the area as per the consent of Kashmiri citizens.
Actions of Indian Forces in Kashmir
Ever since the Indian armed forces have captured the valley, thousands of Kashmiris have lost their life due to multiple attacks by the Indian armed forces. Independent sources and media outlets have backed the claims of human rights violations in Kashmir valley. Independent human rights activists claim a loss of more than 100,000 citizens since 1989 in the valley.
Horrific acts of human abuse, victimization, rape, child torture, and disappearance of the youngsters have been reported continuously from the area for the past four decades.
The reaction of Kashmir and Its Citizens
Despite the cruel actions of the Indian armed forces, the Indian government could not crush the voice for Independence rising from every home in the Kashmir valley. Since 5 August 2019, Kashmiri youth have regularly raised their voice again the brutal act of the Indian armed forces. However, the Indian armed forces announced a lockdown on the whole state, and it is continued to date.
During this time of a year and a half, dozens of Kashmiris have lost the battle of their life due to lack of food and water. People are unable to go to their work and are locked in their houses. But all the lockdown actions could not stop the youngsters of the area and there hasn’t been a single day without protests.
Pakistan’s Take on Kashmir Issue.
Ever since the UN passed its resolution to solve the Kashmir issue as per the choice of Kashmiri citizens, Pakistan has stood on a single stance. Pakistan has supported the resolution of the issue as per Kashmiri citizens. Every Prime Minister and the government of Pakistan has raised the issue on the international forums. The current Prime Minister of Pakistan has an aggressive stance for Kashmir and his speech in the general assembly is considered the best from a Prime Minister.
Point to Notice for The World
The international community should take serious steps to solve the Kashmir conflict. The volcano may erupt, and Kashmiris can take matters into their own hands. International organizations should force India to eject its armed forces from the valley. So, the issue can be resolved by the Kashmiris.