Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Lahore, Additional IG Ghulam Mehmood Dogar said on Sunday that police was not only a profession but a complete lifestyle with sacred passion to serve and protect humanity.
He was addressing the gathering of more than 2,600 newly recruited police constables here at District Police Lines Qila Gujjar Singh.
The CCPO Lahore said that police were to be recruited from the community and thus the community was, in fact, the police. “As policemen, it is our main responsibility to prevent crime, maintain order, peace and tranquility in the society”, he said.
Police must be impartial, service-oriented, courteous, friendly to all community members and willing to embrace martyrdom sacrificing lives in the line of duty, he said and added that the basic mission of police in a free society was to prevent crime and serve humanity.
He said the ability of police to fulfill their mission was dependent upon community approval and respect.
He said thousands of policemen had laid down their lives to serve the purpose earning huge respect and honour from society for the force. More than 2,600 newly recruited constables of Lahore Police have been given orientation motivational, skills development and professional management lectures to improve their capacity building and meet their future responsibilities and challenges in befitting manner, he said.
As many as 2319 male, 274 female newly recruited constables along with 66 Sub Inspectors will now be imparted professional physical and technical training at different training schools of Punjab Police from the first week of next month.
Addressing the gathering, Ghulam Mahmood Dogar stressed upon the new recruits to follow the core values of discipline and ethics along with learning necessary rules as these are essential qualities in law enforcement career and work performance which comes through proper training, helping citizens, obeying laws and code of behaviour.
The CCPO further said, in good policing, ethics include values of allegiance, honesty, loyalty and courage following written rules, formed regulations and laws. A policeman should feel pride in his profession as being a policeman is not an easy job, pushing yourself towards your goals and never giving in the face of obstacles and risk of life, give you a sense of respect which you earn with hard work, devotion and motivation. “We can meet biggest challenges and achieve any target if our intentions are true and clear”, he concluded.
SSP Admn Waqar Shoaib Qureshi also addressed the recruits and advised them to give their best using all professional and moral abilities while rendering services to the humanity and curb crime. He directed senior police officers to facilitate their subordinates with their experiments, skills and professional capabilities.
SP Headquarters Imran Ahmad Malik, DSP Rehan Jamal and other senior police officers were present on the occasion.